February 2, 2011 § 2 Comments

Reverb10 – Future Self. Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?) (Author: Jenny Blake)

With a little luck and a lot of hard work, my life and environment will look pretty different in 5 years than it does now. For that future self:

Dear Future Mel,
If we have been lucky and focused, your environment and the way you make your living have changed drastically. Don’t forget everything it took to get us here, even when it’s hard. Remember why you chose to do this (whatever ‘IT’ ended up being!). Focus on what you can do, breathe and try to let the rest go. Hopefully you are still practicing yoga & meditation regularly, you probably need it much more than I do right now. I am laying the groundwork, don’t let it go, okay? You need this.

Remember the following and you will do just fine:
Your core values (love, health – personal & planet, service, gratitude, creativity)
Your friends and family
Where you came from
What stagnation feels like
How progress happens (one step at a time)
You (still) don’t have to know all the answers
You are loved
You have everything you need
Keep an open mind and heart

Love, love.

Dear Past Mel,

Oh Sweetheart. You’ve got some tough stuff ahead. It’s inevitable. But what you need to know is that you are going to be just fine. You are stronger than you can imagine right now and you have what you need to face any challenges. Don’t sit around and wait and worry because I haven’t told you the whats&whens&wheres&hows. It will be a long time before you understand that you don’t need all the details. There’s a ton of good people and amazingness down the road too – please take the time to notice and appreciate it all.

You can’t change anything about our current situation, and I’m not sure I’d want you to, if it came right down to it. But I will give you a few tips:

That yoga thing you’ve been trying now & again? Do it as much as you can manage. It’s good for you.

Think about your goals. I know you are thinking about career plans – and that’s ok – but give some thought to what’s most important to you in general – what you value, what makes you happy. Rely on T, think about this individually and together.

Try (TRY) not to be so hard on yourself.

Don’t trust people who discourage you from being honest.

Writing would be good for you, why not try a journal again? Just try. It’s ok if it doesn’t work out.

You will find your way to what you need, and you will have real contentment & joy.

Hang in there, it’s going to be a wild ride. You’ll be ok (better than ok).

Love, me

Play along if you like! I don’t think this has to be done at year end to be helpful or enlightening (or healing).

§ 2 Responses to

  • Rachel says:

    Love. Both of your letters, all of your sentiment and advice to young Mel and future Mel. I think this would be a very interesting exercise for me…thanks so much for having the courage to share these!

  • heatherknits says:

    Wow – I don’t know if I have the courage to write either of these letters! But, I am encouraged to see an understanding of people as works in progress. And I really appreciate your acknowledgment of stagnation. Sometimes it happens, and it’s not the end of the world. And at some point, we have to wake up and remember what we were doing and where we were going.

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