On Practice: Painting

June 22, 2011 § 1 Comment

My friend Peter is an artist.  I love reading about his process as much as I enjoy his art itself. There is something so familiar here:

“What’s interesting about these past few working sessions, I really didn’t feel like painting, but then I just said to myself “all you have to do is move paint around and express what you are seeing in color, have fun” this is a great place to come from and is contrary to the structured, disciplined “mental” approach that I have been using. But I wouldn’t be able to freely express without the “mental” discipline of the past months either. so.. it’s all good.”

Every so often, when my practice gets too deep – or I start to take myself too seriously – I spend a practice (or two or three, repeat as necessary) with a focus on PLAY. I love the parallels, even though I’m not a painter. It’s incredibly interesting to me how a practice that is on the surface so different from what I’m doing with asana is really so similar because of the approach.

Visit Peter’s blog and see his art here.

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